Friday, August 9, 2013

Week 31: Eight Navel Oranges

Well, it's been a pretty normal good week from this end. No major unexpected problems or griefs. No major headaches, mostly ok sleeps (riddled with much too vivid, weird dreams and numerous bathroom trips), and some minor vomiting. Back to taking 4 pills a day of diclectin... By the way, that stuff must be made of gold. If we didn't have health insurances we would have spent $600 on that drug alone! Instead it just costs us a trip to the pharmacy, yeah health care! I think having twins in the USA must suck for all the extra care you're suppose to get... I think probably you have to pay for all the extra ultrasounds and doc visits. I love Canada!

Things were very productive as well. Getting schtuff done feels great! Found and hired my work replacement, though my coworkers didn't seem very enthused. Things are kind of moving along on the clinic sale, more or less. Got all my papers, books, records in beautiful order. Pretty much finished all we can in the garden without starting new projects Mulched the beds finally, with the help of dad getting us some beautiful mulch and delivering it to our door. Man I hope we are even just half as awesome as our parents are... Goal number one! Oops goal number one is getting the babies out alive and healthy!

Had a successful ultrasound on Tuesday where we learned that the babies are still right in the middle of the growth curve for single babies. Baby girl still trumps the boy a bit, just by a bit. Boy is weighing 3.0 lbs and girl is at 3.2 lbs. I am thinking maybe we won't have 4lbs babies after all... Oh well, at least our car seats still look cool even if we didn't need the extra low weight range. Besides Murphy's Law states that if we hadn't got the smaller weight range seats then we would have needed them and I would much rather have bigger babies at the end of the day! The healthier they are, the sooner they come home, the happier I am.

The babies this week are (weight for it!) four navel oranges... Uh ok... Lame! And basically they are just getting fatter and pinker. Well I like the sound of that. But with carrying twins they are most definitely getting cramped for space. It's harder for the tech to get good ultrasound pictures of specific things and everybody is all up in each other business. Get use to it sis and bro! I am glad we got disks of the first couple ultrasounds! The pictures are suppose to be their faces but it's a little hard to discern, especially little girls as she was facing backwards so this is the view from inside her skull!

Also went to the second OB appointment. Not exactly impressed with them. Still cant see the doc we were actually referred to as she is still on her own mat leave. They still didn't really have our file and info all straight. They don't check or say anything that my other doctor wasn't doing. And they said our info wouldn't even be at the hospital anyway if we went into early labor... Even though they have a member of their OB group at the hospital always on call. Well, what good is being referred to this group then?  I might as well just carry my own medical records around. I am just hoping they can deliver babies because at the end of the day I guess thats all that matters. I wish I could have just seen my regular doc up until delivery, boo! Oh well, at least she's our pediatrician. Useless OB group. Hopefully I'll get to change my tune on delivery day.

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