As of right now the OB wants to do a c-section on September 11th. This means we give birth in 10 days. I have a couple problems with this.
1. Is this too early? If everything is going well wouldn't it be better to wait between 37 and 38 weeks? I would really like to avoid too much NICU time and the longer they are in doesn't that mean they are more developed and healthy?? The OB has left this concern to be addressed closer to the date.
2. I still feel like if we go into natural labour that the little boy may push his head into the front and we might be able to deliver natural. I don't know if this is my preference or not, i cant decide, but i feel like natural may be a better recovery... Again, the OB didn't really have a stance to take on this matter.
3. September 11th is kind of terrorism day. I mean, yeah we're not in the states, but we are still aware of such things. So, even though we are counting, we are not counting on it. We will see... The next OB appointment is Friday.
Other than that, things are good. I feel like I have been winning this week. Of course I am winning now that the end is so close! The rash is mostly gone. Some spots still remain on my feet, armpits and groin and the itch really bounces around each night. Sometimes I still have to bath with my soap 2 or 3 times, and sometimes I can get away with some local hot water treatments on just my arms or feet. I've done some reading that the rash is related to liver toxins, however detoxing is not healthy for the babies right now. So the best thing seems to be to avoid high fat foods as this seems to aggravate things. (Science is Fun: the liver produces bile acids which help digests fats. Unhappy liver = less bile acids = residual fats in the body = rash causing toxins. In case you guys wondered.) My hands and feet are super fat and flare up at night but I am hoping that the next few days of rest will reduce that. The headaches have been gone since my last physio, so yah! for that. Still have random morning sickness despite 4 diclectin a day but I swallow so much mucus during the night it sometimes is nice to get rid of it. It's a quick morning purge and then I usually am ok to eat breakfast. The braxton hicks can be a little long and uncomfortable these days, but nothing too crazy really. Usually if i get up and move around they go away pretty quickly. If I get 5 hours of sleep despite needing to pee or getting woken up by contractions or itchiness it has been a good night!
Ewww, here are my fat feet with superman colors!
Physically, I have felt pretty good. Other than being uber tired all the time I don't really mind the belly and my joints/back/knees have held up just fine. I am going to attribute this to all my pre-pregnancy working out and core strength training. Just should have done a couple more plies (PS that's how you pick things up!) So, in summary, despite my complaining through all this there really have been lots of blessings.
Anyway... As of Friday I am officially done working. Still have some loose ends to take care of, and there will be book keeping things over this next year off, but yeah... Officially don't have to go in every morning. It will be strange. I have been going into that clinic almost everyday for the last 14 years. Looking forward to the break, but I will still miss a lot of it... like coworkers and the clients and the patients and doing the tech stuff. Yes, I know, I will be too busy to miss it... Perhaps. Still going to get out everyday to let the dogs out and do errands as needed so I'm not going to be too bored I hope. Even so, 10 - 14 days alone seems like a long time!
The babies have also been very good these last few days. Most of the time the are moving enough that I dont worry. Sometimes they can really get moving and they bounce whatever is resting on my pregnancy table (also another cool benefit of pregnancy). Ice water and ice cream seem to do the trick most of the time... I don't think they like the cold! They looked very good on their ultrasound. Much better growth than last time. They are now 4.5 ish lbs which makes me feel better to have them early if that happens. Baby girl is again bigger, but they are so close it doesnt really matter. They still have enough fluid and room to grow a bit so this is why I feel we can push the delivery date. FYI, normal babies are honeydew melons at this stage and about 5.5 to 6 lbs. Ha ha already I am referring to the babies as not normal! Poor babies!
PS My innie is only now turning to an outie :( and we almost made it all the way!
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