Wednesday, March 5, 2014

2 to 3 Months: Christmas Visits and Tradition

December 12, 2013

Dear Babies

As you turned 3 months old we were just saying goodbye to Grammie as she was going back to Nova Scotia. She came to visit you guys just before Christmas. It was very special to have her here and although we were stuck inside the whole time due to brutally cold temperatures, everyday was lovely and relaxing. Both of you guys loved being rocked by Grammie and listening to all her songs. Alice, you especially liked having long chats with her and usually had a lot to say! You guys will miss her, and so will Mommy and Daddy.
So Christmas will soon be here. Your first Christmas! Someday you will know what a crazy Christmas lady your Mommy is. I was determined to put up both our trees and have our party as per usual. And we did! With help from Nana and Grammie and Daddy we did it all. Decorating was done before Grammie got here and Mommy had lots of time to bake and cook all our traditional Christmas yummies! Next year you guys can actually help! We also had our usual open house. It was a little crazy to organize the food and the cookies AND visit with everyone but you guys were in a lot of good hands. Probably our turn out was so good just because people wanted to come see you guys. It was a nice little holiday gathering despite the feeling of chaos. 
You also made an appearance at Grampa and Grams' Christmas party. We had to keep it short so you guys wouldn't turn into little green monsters and become instantly less fun! You guys did well and just hung out on Mommy and Daddy's laps while numerous people oohed and awed. 
You had a huge outing at the Christmas market with Nana and Mommy. We loaded everyone up, stocked up the diaper bag, and headed off to Spruce Meadows where the market is always held. We did ok until you guys got hungry and we ran out of bottles. Then Nana found the Mommy Room behind a curtain so we were able to breastfeed and change everyone; taking turns while Nana showed the other one off between the vendor stalls. It gave us a whole new burst of energy for another couple hours to shop some more. In totally it was 6 hours out. I was very proud of you guys for your market endurance as this is already a family tradition.

We also went to see Auntie Kendra in A Christmas Carol while you guys had your first babysitting with Nana and Grandpa. We also took Grammie out to Banff for another outing that needed babysitting. It was a nice to get out but I felt bad and missed you guys. 
Auntie Michelle visited you this month from Toronto. Alice showed her appreciation by spitting up all over Auntie's shirt. Maria and Jennifer Keller also came from Edmonton to visit and bring you special ornaments. What lucky babies to have so many exciting visitors!

We hit the 6 week peak of crying and didn't notice much difference either way. You guys seem to be pretty average in that department and still only really cry when you need or want something; and can usually be consoled quickly if someone is around and free to do it.

THE SLEEP SITUATION: We have developed a bedroom routine of putting Alice down first, then Evan right after. You both like to nurse and cuddle almost an hour before bed so it is a process. But by the time you guys turned 3 months we had you sleeping from 10pm to 6am, most nights. I also credit this to shutting the blinds so the room is dark. Before we had them open so you guys could learn what day and night was but as soon as we shut the blinds you guys had your first long night. Thank you for being good sleepers! Most of the mornings I am woken up by full boobies or the cats. Ergh, the cats! They have decided since we are up early to ask for breakfast sometimes at 5am. I told them they have to at least wait until 6 but this doesn't stop them from asking. I hope you guys have pets that can be free fed! At least Finnigan has decided to become your friend. He especially enjoys mornings and sandwiching you against Mommy while he sleeps on the nursing pillow. It keeps everyone snugly warm.

You guys have both started to wiggle and squirm a lot and Alice almost rolled off the pillow one day! You both are also starting to reach out and whack at things that are in front of you. So, this month we retired all the pillows and cushions for a proper play area set up with foam pads and quilts and the baby gym where there is a mirror and lots of hanging toys. Starting to have some fun with toys!

ALICE, just after turning 2 months old, 3 days after Evan, you rewarded Mommy with a big goofy smile! You are so cute and coy about it, it's beautiful! You still are making a lot of fun faces in addition to smiling, especially when you are waking up. Nana is having lots of fun trying to capture pictures of them all. Alice, your favorite part of the new play area is the hanging mirror and you enjoying long conversations with yourself. When we join in on the conversation your favorite word is "O" or "ho ho ho." Everyone loves talking with you! You are grabbing things on your own now and seem to enjoy chewing on your pink striped monkey the most. This month you are officially out of newborn clothes and in the 0 to 3 month ones. Some of these sleepers are so cute and pretty on you. I wish you could stay this size longer so you could keep wearing them. Nana has been buying both of you the most stylist sleepers ever! Lucky kids! She has just finished knitting you some outdoor hats, and thank goodness because it is cold! We always get lots of compliments when we wear our hats out and about. Can't wait for our stylish matching sweaters!

Once you turned two months old, EVAN, you were able to hold your head up during tummy time. You still don't really like to be on your tummy but manage ok once we put you there. For a short time that is. You are also into 0 to 3 month old clothes and are catching up to your sister in the weight department. You look especially cool in whites, kind of like a wise old Sensei with your Captain Picard head. You are a master at planking and standing up when someone holds you. Your legs are very strong! You have also enjoyed spending time on the play mat and like to just quietly look at yourself in the mirror. Either that or swatting at the rattlesnake over your bouncer.  Also, now that your vision has improved you really like to watch your mobile or stare at the monkey with the orange eyes over the change table. You even crack a smile now and then at him. You also like to smile at words that start with "B" and like it when we say boggity boo! You are in love with the theme song to Cheers! Where everybody knows your name! We love you and all your smiles; they brighten everyday!

Weights: Evan 10.1lbs Alice 10.7lbs

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