Tuesday, April 1, 2014

5 to 6 Months: A Solid Start on Solids

March 12, 2014 

Dear Babies

You turned six months on a Wednesday, which these days means yoga class. So far we have alternated who gets to go because Mommy is too nervous to take you both. Besides, one of you gets to go to Nana and Grandpa's house where you always have lots of fun. And thank goodness this was the case because Alice was up first and turned into a wailing banshee within the first half hour. Yes, yoga was the worst thing Alice had ever experienced. It was strange to have you inconsolable. Neither of you has ever cried like that and I will admit I was ready to pack it out of there. But eventually you calmed down enough to walk around with the teacher for the rest of the class because you were so mad at Mommy. Well, it made me so nervous to take Evan. But we persevered and Evan, you were so good; played for most of the class and even giggled when we did some baby stretches. The teacher thought you were so adorable! It was totally a 36o degree experience from the first class. Anyway, today was our third class and Alice's turn again. I am proud to say you were amazing! No banshee babies this time; you played, babbled, did some tummy time, had some baby massage. You definitely had more fun than the first time so I feel much braver to continue with the classes. Now you are both little yogis! 
Can't believe it's half a year already! Where have the days gone? I already miss those tiny little babes that stretched from my finger tips to my elbow. But, these days you guys are so much more fun and loving! Every morning I get to wake up to smiling, babbling babies and I don't mind when sometimes it's closer to five than six. It's truly the best way to start off the day. And the cats like the early mornings too because it means sooner breakfast! We still spend most days at home, watching movies (lots of Disney), practicing tummy time or sitting, jumping in the new jumperoo, taking pictures, reading books (you guys love touchy-feely books and to help turn the pages, but I have to remind you that books are not for chewing), visiting with Nana (you guys love Nana and usually can't be bothered to eat or sleep when she comes to visit as you may miss out on the fun), AND eating... Actually we spend A LOT of time eating. 

THE FOOD SITUATION: Besides 50/50 breast and bottle feedings you guys started solids a few weeks ago (Feb 21st at 5 1/2 months) At first it was just for fun, but now you guys can't wait to eat your cereals, yams, or bananacado mush. Alice is more 'hands on' with the feeding process. She wants to control the spoon, or help shove the food in her mouth, or pretend to drink from Mommy's glass, or chew on a carrot stick or green bean. Evan, our little slug, prefers to recline, relax, and let the spoon do the job. A little neater but still just as excited  to eat. You guys usually eat in just diapers and a bid so we don't make a mess of our outfits! So far Evan likes bananas and Alice likes beans the best. We also just recently got high chairs so we could all have dinner together. Alice thinks this is great fun but Evan gets a little tired of all the sitting. 

Our other event this month was our twin group get together. There were 6 moms and that means 12 babies! Gah! It was just a short hour but still fun. Evan got to show off his standing (who needs rolling over) and Alice got to show off her supported sitting. And you guys were definitely the most stylish babies there! We'll meet everyone again in a couple months.

ALICE... You have gotten very cavalier with tummy time; it's just another way to hang out and play. Most days you want to practice sitting and you can almost balance on your own. Your favorite sounds have been squealing, sticking your tongue out and spitting, and yelling yaya while you chew on something. We have started calling you Yaya because it really is fun to say! You love to smile and giggle and are quite ticklish, especially from 'raspberries' on your tummy. You like flying games and jumping in the jumperoo and playing with anything your brother is holding. You like going to sleep with your monkey hanging off your crib so you can chew on his feet when you wake up in the middle of the night. There have been a couple times Mommy has had to get up with you and then it takes a whole day of super napping to get you happy again. A good night's rest is best! You also love bath time. I'm pretty sure you just get messy at food time so you can have a bath. You still fit in the sink but once you are good at sitting up we will move to a little tub. You dislike wearing clothes and fuss a bit whenever it's outfit changing time but other than that are a happy baby. And, oh my gosh Alice, do you ever like to chew on things! Your teething rings are a favorite, but you chew Mommy or Daddy when you have the chance (just like a little Zombie - too much Walking Dead). You chew your toes now that you've discovered them and I think you might have chewed a hole in the foot of your sleeper! You chew any toy that comes into your possession. You try to chew your brother's head and you try to get at the phone when we facetime your Auntie Kendra. Even so, still no teeth... though we think they are coming! We also switched to disposable diapers this month mostly for you. The cloth service didn't want us to use diaper rash cream any more and we spent a couple months fighting off your yeast infections and irritated sores. This month your bum has been very happy with a dollop of cream and just regular old diapers. I feel mildly guilty about the non-greenness of this but I want what's best for you guys! 

EVAN... You are still working on a lot of things these days and have retained your Slug status for the most part. Still haven't rolled over though you can sometimes get off your tummy if you really try. Still dislike tummy time even though you do smile for the first two to three minutes. Working on sitting a bit but usually end up reclining. Your conversation skills are really growing and you like to debate topics with the Winkle, or your bottle, or yourself in the mirror. It all sounds very matter of fact! You are really a happy little guy as long as you have slept and been fed. You love to giggle, or squeal in delight, at the silly things Mommy and Daddy do - like pretending to eat your hands, flying through the air and landing akimbo, playing peek a boo with the clean laundry, big smoochy kissing noises, silly or sleepy songs, or just when someone says hi to you. On your dislike list is wet diapers and we are still changing you 7 - 9 times a day. Also, sometimes at bedtime you get a little grouchy and distract Alice from going to sleep. Daddy has been keeping you quiet downstairs while Mommy feeds and puts Alice to bed, then you get your turn. Though, overall you are not too bad to put to sleep and most mornings, even if you get up early, you usually hang out in your crib for another half hour or so, until 6am if Mommy can help it. You have also become a quick pro at eating. The first day we tried solids I wasn't sure if you were ready, you were not half as enthusiastic as Alice. This has proved to be better in the long run. Instead of lunging for your spoon and grabbing at it you let us do the work and within a couple days you really had the hang of it. I think you probably consume double what she does AND you don't need half as many baths, which is good because you are not as keen. Mommy usually sings silly songs so at least you smile a bit during the bathing process. Although a little bit behind with the physical skills I can tell you are very bright and always evaluating things. You examine new objects in a quiet, careful way which is fascinating to watch. When you have nothing to hold you clasp your hands pensively... "What shall we do tonight, Brain?" And you are definitely getting to be a hefty little guy. Can't even plank anymore your body is too long and legs are too heavy! Growing up!

Well, half a year, my dears, has come and gone so fast! I can't wait for the exciting, although troublesome, things to come... Oh yeah, we still have to baby proof the house! Eek! 

Weights: Evan 14.0lbs Alice 13.7lbs

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